The Victorian Government has announced further easing to restrictions for seated venues and the return to offices, which came into effect from 11:59pm Friday 9 April. You can read the Minister for Health's full statement on the changes here.
The key change for the creative industries is as follows:
- Indoor and outdoor seated venues will increase from 75% to 100% of total capacity. The limit of 1,000 people per space and density limit of one person per two square metres in unseated areas such as foyers, bars and bathrooms remain in place.
If you have submitted an application to the Public Events Framework (PEF), please note the following:
- If your event has been previously approved by the Victorian Government to operate at more than 75% capacity under the Public Events Framework, you can now operate at 100% capacity with up to 1,000 attendees.
- Or, if you have registered a Tier 3 event and would like to increase to 100% capacity, you are able to do that under your existing event registration – you do not need to re-register with the COVIDSafe Events Team.
- From 9 April onwards, it is not mandatory to register your event with the Government if you are a venue, you will only need a COVIDSafe plan. Tier 3 event organisers can still register a COVIDSafe Event Checklist.
- Unseated indoor events will still operate under the density limit of one person per two square metres.
The following restrictions enacted Friday 26 March are unchanged and will remain in effect:
- All venues and creative arts facilities are required to use electronic record-keeping through the Services Vic app or a government API-linked digital system for electronic record keeping (venues will have a 28-day compliance amnesty)
- Nightclubs and dancefloors can operate at a density quotient of 1 per 2sqm (no max patron limit)
- Non seated venues can operate at a density quotient of 1 per 2qm up to 75% capacity (max 1000)
- Arrangements for capacity over 1000 are determined on an individual basis under the Public Events Framework. Venues with a capacity of greater than 500 patrons must publish a COVIDSafe Plan online.