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National Reconciliation Week 2020 Digital Event Guide
May 26, 2020
National Reconciliation Week runs May 27 – June 3 this year, and we're thrilled to be sharing some amazing digital events to be streamed over the next 7 days.
Bonnie Dalton (VMDO) In New Industry Liaison role for Creative Victoria
May 20, 2020
Today we can announce that Bonnie Dalton, the General Manager of the Victorian Music Industry Development Office, the business and development and First Nations office that Music Victoria delivers on behalf of the Victorian Government, will be seconded to Creative Victoria on a 3-month part-time basis in a new industry liaison role.
Music Victoria Announces Successful 2020 Live Music Professionals Participants
May 12, 2020
Music Victoria’s Live Music Professionals program will run for a fourth year in 2020.
Music Victoria offering free memberships until the end of the Financial Year
May 04, 2020
Victoria’s peak body for contemporary music Music Victoria is offering support during the COVID-19 crisis by offering FREE one year memberships!
SOUND CHECK by Support Act: Patrick Donovan - Music Victoria
April 29, 2020
Together Luke and Patrick discuss the first days of COVID-19 and the industry's immediate response, Patrick's career as a lover and performer of and advocate for Victorian live music, and what's on the agenda for Music Victoria.
Music Victoria Announce Free online Professional Development series
April 09, 2020
We are pleased to announce a variety of professional development and open forum Ask Us Anything events, all free to access.
Dear Prime Minister: Creative industries unite to secure Australia's cultural future
March 27, 2020
Over 50 of Australia’s leading arts, creative, cultural and entertainment industry bodies have united to send a clear message to the Prime Minister: act now to ensure that Australia’s cultural life survives COVID-19.
COVID-19 Venues Update
March 25, 2020
Music Victoria is extremely concerned about the impact Covid-19 and the restriction and subsequent banning of non-essential public gatherings is having on live music venues.
Premier's announcement: Guidance on non-essential closures
March 23, 2020
In line with advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government will implement a shutdown or restriction of non-essential activity across our state to help combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Victorian Government announce Economic Survival Package To Support Businesses And Jobs
March 21, 2020
Today, the Victorian Government announced an Economic Survival Package To Support Businesses And Jobs.
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